Professor Mohan Edirisinghe
Biomaterials Processing Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College London
A number of research images were selected to feature as the cover image in various scientific journals:

AIP Publishing Volume 8 Issue 4 December 2021

Journal Frontispiece

06 February 2022, Volume 12 Issue 1

Journal Frontispiece

Biofabrication of Gelatin Tissue Scaffolds with Uniform Pore Size via Microbubble Assembly

Cover image by Merve Gültekinoğlu and Mohan Edirisinghe. Microbubbles are scientific balloons that are smaller than a millimeter and larger than a micron in size. One-size microbubbles with polymer, lipid or protein shells can be generated using microfluidic junctions and parameters such as capillary size, surface tension, viscosity, pressure and flow rate can be varied to control the size, shell thickness and stability of t

Aligned nanofibre strands produced by combining the simultaneous use of rotation, pressure and flow, a novel nanofibre mass production process which can now be modelled and optimised. See the paper ‘Modelling and optimization of pressure-coupled infusion gyration parameters for the nanofiber fabrication’.