Professor Mohan Edirisinghe
Biomaterials Processing Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College London

Professor Mohan Edirisinghe OBE, FREng, FEuroAcadSci
holds the Bonfield Chair of Biomaterials, within the Mechanical Engineering Department at University College London. He has published over 600 journal papers (H-index of 78 with over 21,500 citations) and over a dozen key patents, given more than 125 invited/keynote lectures worldwide. He has supervised over 250 researchers including over 100 PhD graduations and he has been awarded grants to the value of £25 million, which have given him the opportunity to adventurously explore novel avenues of scaled-up forming of advanced materials for application in key areas such as healthcare. In 2015 was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineers in the UK. In 2020 he was elected a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and in 2021 he was appointed OBE (Order of the British Empire) for his services to Biomedical Engineering. He has won many awards for his research, in 2023 he was awarded two prizes: The RAEng Colin Campbell Mitchell Prize for his world-leading contribution to the industrial application of polymeric fibres by inventing novel fibre manufacturing vessels and processes, and The Royal Society Clifford Paterson Medal & Lecture Prize for his seminal research in engineering science of making small structures from soft matter in novel scalable ways, creating new frontiers in functional applications causing major advances in manufacturing and healthcare.